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Do Just A Few Bed Bugs Mean You Have A Full-Blown Infestation On Your Hands?

While it is never ideal to spot even one-bed bug in the home, just a couple might not necessarily mean it’s time to panic or call a professional. That being said, even spotting one bug in the home is cause for concern. The only problem is, they are extremely hard to spot, given that they are about the size of an apple seed. One tiny apple seed might not seem like a major deal, but that tiny spot could potentially be disastrous for you and your home.

Just one bug in the home means you need to get in touch with a professional. A good, quality pest control company will likely have years and years of experience dealing with similar situations and infestation. While the situation might be dire, you’ll still want to make sure that you get several quotes before just deciding on one professional to treat your home.

Why One Bug Is A Risk

When most people read this the first thing they think is, “how can a few small bugs be such a big problem?” That’s a good question, but the truth of the matter is, these bugs reproduce extremely fast. Another thing to keep in mind is, these pests are not solitary creatures. They are extremely sociable. If you see one or two, there is likely more lurking around.

There’s even more of a concern when these bugs are female, given their reproduction rates. The only problem is, determining whether or not the bug is female. A single, female bed bug can start laying eggs in just a day or two. One female bug is capable of producing anywhere from 300 to 500 eggs in a lifespan. Scary enough for you? It should be! Whether you spot one, two, or three-bed bugs, it’s time to find a professional.

Spotting Bed Bugs Are Hard

You speak to any professional, do your research, or read any blog article about bed bugs and they’ll iterate over and over again just how hard bed bugs are hard to spot. They are one of the stealthiest creatures in the world and this is because they are as thin as a credit card. Throw in the fact that they are only the size of an apple seed and it makes the situation all that direr.

It’s highly unlikely you’ll be lucky enough to spot even one bug crawling around the home or office. This is why most people don’t know they are dealing with a problem until it is full-blown. The problem becomes so big that it is just plain unavoidable. In addition to all of this, bed bugs can hide in some of the hardest to reach spaces. In mattress sheets, under box springs, in cracks, and deep in drywall crevices are just amongst a few of a bed bug chosen hiding spaces.

Most people like to keep an eye out for bite marks, but this isn’t always effective either, as bed bugs don’t always bite. Some people never even react to bites, leaving no evidence or presence of the bugs.

Make Sure You Are Dealing With Bed Bugs

What’s even worse is, just because you wake up with itches or bite marks, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are dealing with bed bugs. You could be dealing with fleas or some other similar parasite. This is why it is always a good idea to confirm any suspicions. The best way to do this is by procuring a bug, They will be ova in size, reddish-brown, and less than 10 millimeters long. They will also possess six small legs with segmented antennas on their head.

These pests are oftentimes mistaken for cockroaches, carpet beetles, and fleas.

How To Determine If You Have Bed Bugs

If you do have bed bugs in the home or office here are some key signs that you can look for.

Bloodstains – rusty red stains on your sheets might be an indication that you’ve been bitten or rolled over and squashed a bug during the middle of the night

Exoskeletons – bed bugs are similar to other reptiles in regards to exoskeletons. Similar to a snake or reptile, the bug will shed its skin, leaving it behind to be found.

Eggs and egg casing – Bed bug eggs and egg casings are obvious signs of an immediate infestation. Once again, the only problem is, determining whether or not you are looking at bed bug eggs and casings.

Fecal matter – fecal matter or poop is another excellent indication of an infestation. Bed bug fecal matter will oftentimes be dark and black-ish, somewhat similar to the looks of something that’s been feeding on human blood.

Bite marks – bed bug bite marks might be hard to detect, but one good way is by location. Bed bugs usually bite on the face, neck, arms, hands, and legs.

Musty, sweet odor – believe it or not, bed bugs linger with a musty, sweet smell. If you sense this odor, you could be dealing with an infestation.

How To Find The Bugs

Bed bugs might be hard to spot, but it is entirely possible, if you know the right areas to look and how to search. You’ll obviously want to start in the bedroom because these parasites like most parasites like to live near their food source. This is why they are called bed bugs. They feed when you are asleep and given that you sleep in a bed, this is how they developed their name. That being said, they do like to nestle into the clutter of the sheets, frame, mattress, box springs, and linens.

Start by stripping all the bedding, including the pillowcases and comforters. Take them outside and comb through them with a veritable magnifying glass. Also, be sure to check the piping and steel frame around the bed or mattress support. Flip the mattress over and check both sides of the mattress and box springs. Check any cracks and crevices in either as well.

Turning To The Pros

While you can take a few popular precautions and measures like washing your linens in soap and hot water, these methods aren’t always effective. Even washing them in the hottest, soapiest water doesn’t always do the trick. The next best thing to do is, get in touch with a professional.

Not only they are familiar with such situations, but they know exactly where and how to proceed. After an extensive inspection, a good pest control company should develop a targeted plan to eliminate your infestation, including all the eggs and nymphs. Pest Control Denver


As was mentioned above, bed bugs are social. If you spot one bug, there are likely two, three, or four hanging nearby. It’s entirely possible that it could even be a pregnant female bug. If this is the case, your situation just got ten times worse.

Whether you spot a bug or even sense that you are dealing with an infestation, the best thing to do is to contact a professional.


Unfortunately, there is no given number that determines you are dealing with an infestation. If you do spot or find a female, you’re likely looking at 500 eggs that could potentially turn into adult bed bugs. This is obviously a major problem!

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